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  • 在這個步調飛快的世界裡,我們常常會忘記當初為何而追逐夢想。


    NOIS – Dreaming這件作品處於一種平靜的夢境狀態,輕聲提醒著我們,即便現實讓我們遺忘,仍然可以在夢中找回那份初心,希望你靜下心來與心靈進行深刻的對話。


    無論你是否曾偏離了原本的道路,或者只是需要一個提醒,「NOIS - Dreaming」都是一座引領你回到夢想本質的燈塔。


    In this fast-paced world, we often forget why we began chasing our dreams in the first place.


    NOIS – Dreaming exists in a state of serene dreaming, softly reminding us that even if reality makes us forget, we can still find our original intentions within our dreams. It invites you to pause and have a deep conversation with your heart.


    Whether you’ve strayed from your original path or simply need a reminder, “NOIS – Dreaming” is a beacon guiding you back to the essence of your dreams.



    NOIS Dreaming - PLUS/MINUS

    NOIS Dreaming
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