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    全新的DSC ( Demon Stance Collection) 1/8 惡魔立姿典藏系列




    台灣地區價格為NT$3300 (限匯款方式)


    Introducing the brand new DSC (Demon Stance Collection) 1/8 Demon Stance Collectible Series. Ignite your collector's spirit and embrace the speed and passion of GAKi RACE!


    The first release, led by Zaiki, will take you on a journey of speed and power.


    This series reimagines the demon racers with a cover concept, presenting their names in a graffiti style on the back of the characters, creating a front-and-back harmony that looks like a cover photo, showcasing their unique personalities and styles. Each piece is crafted to capture fine details using high-quality resin material.


    Featuring interchangeable demon hood magnetic design. Whether it’s a quirky and creepy demon mask or GAKi’s handsome face, you can add variety and fun to your collection, showcasing your unique taste and personality.


    Price: $120 USD including international shipping Price


    Enjoy free shipping during the pre-order period

    Let’s rock the GAKi RACE!

    GAKi RACE - DSC #00 Zaiki

    • 支持信用卡以及轉帳,台灣顧客請選擇Manu Payment

      台灣地區價格為NT$3300 (限匯款方式)

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