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The Art of NOIS exhibition - the end.

The constant noise that appears in our daily lives fluctuates beneath intangible frequencies and infiltrates into every aspect of our routine. NOIS, derived from the phonetics of "noise," takes inspiration from this concept and presents JT's independent series of works. It embodies the sounds that are invisible to the naked eye but flow through our lives. By translating these seemingly irregular, disturbing, and even piercing sound images into various structures and unique shapes, it expresses the pressure or influence that NOIS brings. Through the perspective of the artwork, it guides us to see the beauty and positive energy in our own lives amidst the chaotic frequencies. Like sound waves transmitting and rendering in space, it further explores the boundaries of art and design, creating possibilities for diverse expressions.


NOIS 源於「噪音」的音義,身處在這個紛繁嘈雜的世代,人們時常被外界的聲音干擾與影響,而忽略了自己內在画正的聲音,更忘記要如何替自己發聲。


NOIS created b JEI TSENG

NOIS's latest Racer series combines elements of Le Mans vintage racing. Under the sound of engine, exhaust and other vibrations and friction on the track, it awakens the spirit of passion, freedom, and adventure. It not only reproduces the nostalgic atmosphere of the past but also symbolizes every challenge in life and how to find oneself in the struggle and tug-of-war with others.

The Art of Nois hopes to remind people, through different perspectives and creative forms of presentation, that only by eliminating noise and listening to our inner voice can we rediscover a stronger and purer self. NOIS最新的Racer 系列,融合了利曼復古賽車的元素,在賽道上引擎、排氣等震動與摩擦的聲響作動之下,喚醒熱血奔放和自由冒險的精神;不僅重現懷舊的時代氛圍,更是象徵著生活中的每一樣挑戰,如何在彼此的較勁與拉扯中找到自我。

The Art of Nois 希望藉由不同視角與創意的呈現形式,提醒人們只有消除噪音,傾聽內心的聲音,士能重新找回更強大、更純淨的自己。

---------The end.


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