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Challenge the Limits of Speed, NOIS Racer Ariprints

JT: Because of my love for cars, especially when I'm driving my beloved vehicle, the roar of the engine and exhaust pipes is one of the best ways for me to drown out the noise of the outside world. In pursuit of speed and aesthetics, NOIS has combined the classic cars from the 1960s Le Mans racing era to create the latest Racer series!

The NOIS Racer series artprints are a dream choice for racing enthusiasts and art lovers alike. They're not just decorative pieces; they embody your ultimate pursuit of speed and aesthetics. Depending on the arrangement in different spaces, they showcase your unique taste.

Paper: 190g high-quality art paper

Size: 50x70 cm, unframed

Printing: Artistic digital printing

First batch production of 20 editions

Price: $49 USD, including worldwide shipping

JT: 因為我很愛車,尤其當我在駕駛我的愛車時,引擎與排氣管聲浪,是我關閉外界噪音的最佳方式之一,在速度與美感的追求中,以NOIS 結合了60年代利曼賽車的經典車,誕生了NOIS最新的Racer系列!

NOIS Racer系列海報是賽車迷和藝術愛好者的夢幻之選,它不僅是一件裝飾品,更是您對於速度和美學的極致追求的體現。根據不同空間的搭配,展現出你個人的獨特品味。

紙材:190g 高品質藝術紙

尺寸:50x70 cm , 不含裱框



價格: $49美元,包含全球運送


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